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CUPERTINO, CA -- (MARKET WIRE) -- Feb 28, 2006 -- Giga Scale Integration Corporation, the company that launched in February 2005, announced today that over 22,000 Integrated Circuit (IC) designs have been estimated through this site. is the place where Intellectual Property (IP) and powerful chip estimation capabilities come together to enable design teams to find IP, accurately evaluate their design specifications, and determine technical and economic chip viability.

"Chip estimation with accurate IP models is becoming more critical as mainstream semiconductor manufacturing technologies move to 130nm, 90nm and below," stated Adam Traidman, Giga Scale IC president. "Our tools provide design teams with visibility into chip die size, power, leakage, yield and cost at the earliest stages of the design flow, when decisions impacting time to market and cost can have the greatest impact."

With an explosion of IP now available -- and occupying a larger percentage of chip real estate than ever before -- it has become nearly impossible to assess the optimal combination of chip architecture options and new IP to achieve design teams' chip specification goals without the help of estimation tools. The overwhelming task of managing numerous IP catalogues, updating an ever increasing body of IP and foundry process models from dozens of vendors, and recalibrating spreadsheets has motivated designers, managers and chip architects to join the over 4,000 individuals who have already begun using since last February.

About has become the internet destination where IP and chip estimation comes together so designers, managers and chip architects can explore an extensive IP catalog and then quantify their design specifications in terms of actual silicon die size, power and cost. Users who register at the website can download the InCyte tool which provides accurate estimation of their chip, allowing them to combine IP from numerous vendors, evaluate alternative design specifications, and within seconds explore different scenarios.

About Accurate Chip Estimation is the web portal where IP, foundry and economic data from across the semiconductor supply chain is aggregated to enable accurate chip estimations with the InCyte system. InCyte is a powerful specification estimation and analysis tool that reduces the risk, design time and cost of IC design, as it accurately estimates key IC specifications, including size, power, leakage, yield and cost. Two versions of InCyte are offered and accessed through The first is for preliminary prototyping of a chip specification, where industry-average foundry and IP library models can be used. The even more accurate version allows chip estimation with different combinations of IP using IP and foundry technology data and delivering results with up to 98% accuracy when compared to final silicon. The version using actual technology data also adds the ability to estimate production chip cost and includes wafer pricing data and package recommendations.

About Giga Scale Integration Corporation

Giga Scale IC is a privately funded EDA company that serves the interests of the IC design community by enabling accurate estimation of both chip functionality and cost at the IC specification stage, before a chip design begins. The company develops and markets the InCyte chip estimation tool, into which it integrates IP models for the most accurate estimation of ultimate chip and package cost. The company offers a unified web location -- -- through which it delivers streamlined access to information about IP options, and allows the design community to assess different IP in their own chip design context. Giga Scale IC partners with leading IP vendors and semiconductor manufacturers who share our mission of early and accurate assessment of IP for our mutual customers' ultimate design success.

The company is located at 10050 North Wolfe Road, Suite SW1-266, Cupertino, Calif. 95014. Telephone: (408) 255-0444. Facsimile: (408) 255-0344. Email: Email Contact.

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Georgia Marszalek
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